Sunday, 24 November 2019

Cherry Moon Gina P launch

Cherry MOON Gina P Launch

For this weeks blog I have decided to blog about a fashion event I went to last friday at the Cherry Moon Boutique . The Cherry Moon Boutique always hosts the best events.

I had such a brilliant time at this event and met new people. I always love going to fashion events and the ones cherry moon host are always incredible. 

 Gina P is made by a lady called roberta who is from italy. Roberta says 

The training in communication and marketing together with a commercial experience have helped to strengthen and make real my nature and creative training, this allows to have a complete vision that makes the detail a conscious choice.

The evening consisted of Two models wearing the branded clothes so people could see what the clothes looked like on. There was lots of food, alcohol , a dj, i got the chance to see a preview of the collection and met a few new people.

I wore a jumper from Missguided , leggings from new look and boots from in the style.

The Sand Co Ord Belted Tunic Jumper is a long sleeved jumper featuring a buckle belt in a rib texture.

The leggings have a side white stripe.

MissGuided: Sand Co Ord Belted Tunic Jumper
Price: £20

New Look: Side white stripe leggings
Price: £7.99

In the style : Knee high boots
Price: £48

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